Genius Hour Chat Archive with Erica Kozlowski – 7 November 2019

Erica Kozlowski (@ericakoz) was the guest moderator of tonight’s chat. Second grade teacher Erica offered so many great ideas for doing research with young (and old) students.

Some of the resources shared include Erica’s template for research, which I will definitely be using for my wondering English learners. She also shared a list of credible resources for our young researchers to use.

Participants included some new faces, Melyssa Uhrich, preservice teacher, and Donna Freydlin, who is still an egg on Twitter at the time of publication, and  Kimberly Donatello.

Veteran participants were Cindy Ross, Jill McLean, Andi McNair, Gallit Zvi, and Denise Krebs.

Additionally, don’t miss this week’s Education Week article by Madeline Will (@madeline_will). The article, “‘Genius Hour’ Lets Kids Take Charge: Would Einstein Have Liked This?”, features some great #geniushour ideas and teachers.

Our TweetDeck Collection archive
for the November 2019 #geniushour chat:
#Geniushour Chat 7 Nov 19 – Curated tweets by mrsdkrebs

Denise Krebs

Denise Krebs (@mrsdkrebs) is a connected educator, leader, and learner with 25 years’ experience in private and public schools and recreation centers in California, Iowa, Michigan, Arizona, and Bahrain. Denise was teaching junior high when she dove into Genius Hour. Her smart and intrepid junior high students and the #geniushour community helped her find her way. Currently, Denise teaches grade 5 English language learners in Bahrain. She also serves as elementary English subjects coordinator. She has had the joy of seeing genius hour work with students in kindergarten through grade 8.