#Geniushour Chat with Guest Host Troy Cockrum August 2018
Thank you to our guest host, Troy Cockrum (@tcockrum), author of the recently published Firefly Classrooms: The 10 Elements of Authentic Tasks that Make Learning Visible and Social. The topic for this month’s August 2, 2018, #Geniushour chat was “Who owns the learning? Defining tasks in Genius Hour.”
Troy even went Oprah on us, and gave away two copies of Firefly Classrooms. Congratulations to Robyn and Ryan! Be sure to let us know how you liked it! Thanks, Troy!
I had so much fun on the #geniushour chat, I randomly selected two winners for my book. I feel like Oprah! You get a book @RobynThiessen You get a book @RyanMcGTech #fireflyclass
— Troy Cockrum (@tcockrum) August 3, 2018
Our TweetDeck Collection archive
for the August 2018 #geniushour chat:
#Geniushour Chat Aug’18 – Curated tweets by mrsdkrebs